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DVD - BMW R1100/1150 maintenance 1994-2006

  • Model: JV-DVD-R1100
  • Manufactured by: JVB Productions

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Made by JVB Productions, these famous DVDs (available in english ONLY) explain in detail the most common maintenance jobs on these bikes .
More details on the DVD content can be found on the authors website

Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this DVD it is primarily designed to enhance your knowledge of the motorcycle. As such, it is not meant to replace the maintenance manual or to supply complete information about each of the procedures detailed.
Any damage done to a motorcycle or personal injury resulting from the use of the DVD is solely the responsibility of the user and not the maker or seller of the DVD.
Please use the DVD as a reference only.
Performing motorcycle maintenance is potentially dangerous so please take the proper precautions when attempting to perform your own service work.
If you do not have the proper tools or mechanical ability to do this type of work it is best left to the professionals at your BMW Service Center.

The following description is copied almost verbatim from the authors web page.

In this DVD we will cover many of the items not covered by the BMW R1200 Service DVD for the R1100/1150 motorcycles, and include the following items specific to the R1100/1150 series non-servo motorcycles:

  • Removing the Gas Tank
  • Changing the Fuel Filter
  • Air filter change
  • Gas Tank Installation
  • Valve Adjustment procedures (Differentiation from the R1200)
  • Throttle Body Sync
  • Brake Bleeding procedures (Non-servo), For the servo ABS R1150 you will need the R1200 for the brake flush
  • Alternator Belt Replacement
  • Final Drive drain and refill
  • Spoke Check and Adjustment

Download Service Schedule (pdf)

This DVD is exclusively for BMW R1100/1150 motorcycles, which include the GS/RS/RT and R1100/1150R.
Although the fuel tank removal and installation varies by model, the basics are the same.
If you have an 1150 with servo-ABS, and wish to carry out the brake flush procedure, you will need the BMW R1200 36K Maintenance DVD.

NOTE: If you have reasonable skills, and can accomplish the transmission fluid change, and engine oil change, this DVD will give you the rest of what you need with the exception of step-by-step valve cover removal and installation, although the basics ARE covered.
The R1200 Oil change and Transmission oil change is similar, and can be seen for free here!

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DVD - BMW R1100/1150 maintenance 1994-2006

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