Your Bike:

Aero Crash Protectors - Kawasaki ZX-6R 2019-2021 (Race use only)

  • Model: RG-CP0458
  • Manufactured by: RG Racing

(including IVA)

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R&G Racing Aero Crash Protectors.

This product is compatible with these bikes:

  • Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R - 2019 
  • Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R - 2020 
  • Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R - 2021 

Race use only.

R&G Racing are the number one motorcycle crash-protection specialist in the UK, designing and manufacturing bespoke solutions for over 300 models of motorcycle: these are not generic "mushrooms"!
Unlike most competing products, the mounting bolts are manufactured from de-embrittled high-tensile steel, designed to bend on impact and absorb the shock rather than shear or snap. Compression sleeves inside the crash bobbins allow the retaining bolts to be correctly torqued, ensuring they do not loosen due to normal vibration.
The bobbins themselves are resistant but designed to wear and will quickly brake a sliding bike in the event of an accident at speed.

R&G Racing crash protectors are the only insurance-approved (UK) crash protectors on the market.

Example installation (generic)

The "Race" kits have bobbins with a reduced profile (width) to reduce aerodynamic drag. This may result in increased damage to the fairing in the event of a crash, compared to the standard road kit.

How to find R&G products for your bike?

Given the huge range of products it is really not practical to just browse/look for the product(s) that may be compatible for your bike and so we strongly recommend you FIRST find the R&G product model number by one of the following methods.

  • Use this up-to-the minute R&G compatibility document (pdf) to find the products compatible with your bike
  • Or, look in the R&G Racing website to find the products compatible with your bike.
  • Or, use the above drop-down menu "Show Products for..." to find all our compatible products for your bike, including those from R&G Racing (due to constant and rapid product development by R&G, this section may not include all the currently available products).

Once you know the R&G product model number eg. LP0108BK, just start typing the model into the search field at the top of this page and the product should be listed in the popup results.

If you cannot find a product, please don't hesitate to Contact Us as it may be a new product we have not yet included in our shop.